Fibroid is commonly found in the Uterus of women between Childbearing age (20′ 30′ and 40′) years of age and are meant to shrink off after menopause but sometime it does not shrink even after menopause. Uterine fibroid or myoma occur in 3 to 9 times more In African Women than american women or Caucasian women. Studies Shows that Fibroids account for 20 – 30% of Infertility.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of smooth muscle cell and fibrous connective tissue that develop within the wall of the uterus or on the outer wall. As a matter of fact, Fibroid Tumors can occur on any part of the Uterus. Hence it is called “Uterine Fibroid’. It’s also known as Myoma, Fibromyoma, Myofibroma, Fibroleiomyoma, Leiomyoma.

Fibroids may grow slowly as a single tiny lump or as a cluster, vary in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter or more. It’s may be as small as a pea, as large as a grapefruit or watermelon. Occasionally women having fibroids might have flat normal tummy, hence having flat tummy does not indicate there is no fibroid except confirm by routine medical checkup. While fibroid can also cause the uterus to grow extremely big looking like pregnant women, making it difficult for conception to occur.


Cause of fibroid is unknown, but medically fibroids are considered to be a women’s fibrosis condition that is usually associated with estrogen dominance or excess estrogen. Fibroid tumors can be accelerated or aggravated by estrogen and their growth depends on estrogen stimulation and may increase with estrogen therapy (such as oral contraceptives) or during pregnancy.


Heavy periods (menorrhagia) and Anaemia – the most common symptoms.
Abdominal pain.
Pressure and Pelvic Cramping
Bloating – large fibroids can even cause a visible tummy bulge.
Urinary problems – pressure from large fibroids on the bladder can make you feel like you need to go to the toilet more often.
Painful bowel movements – pressure on the bowel can cause problems such as constipation.
Miscarriage and premature birth – fibroids are stimulated by high levels of oestrogen and can increase to as much as five times their normal size during pregnancy, getting in the way of a growing baby.

Infertility – possibly because the fibroids interfere with the way the fertilized egg implants into the lining of the womb.